Therapy for Those Who Had a Toxic Mother

  • “No one will ever love you as much as your mother.”
  • “You don’t talk that way to your mother.”
  • “But she’s your mother…”
  • “No parent is perfect, and I’m sure she did her best.”

Did you grow up with a bad mom? Many do, and it can impact your life significantly.

Untangle the mess, build confidence, and live with independence and peace.

Growing up with a bad mom can leave you feeling stuck, drained, or overwhelmed. If no one gave you the tools to care for yourself, how do you figure it out? Therapy gives you the space to reclaim your confidence, rewrite unhealthy messages, and build a life that works for you—on your terms.

Start Your Journey Now

Impacts of a Bad Mom

Guilt and Self-Doubt

  • “I feel like I’m tearing the family apart.”
  • “How do I not feel guilty for protecting myself?”
  • “She said something nice. My heart just melts....”

Low Self-Worth

  • “Why does my family not like me?”
  • “No matter what I do, I’m not enough.”

Fear of Conflict

  • “I shut down if there's any conflict.”
  • “I’ll do anything to keep the peace.”
  • “I can’t handle the idea of someone being mad at me.”

Emotional Numbness

  • “I don’t know what I feel or want.”
  • “I didn’t even realize I was upset until I broke down crying.”
  • “I just keep everything bottled up.”


  • “I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
  • “I read too much into people’s reactions.”

Difficulty Setting Boundaries

  • “I’m the family doormat.”
  • “How do you even start setting boundaries?”
  • “I feel shaky if I stand firm on my opinions when others disagree wtih me.”

Perfectionism and Overachievement

  • “If I’m not perfect, I feel like a failure.”
  • “I have to be the best at everything to feel okay.”

People-Pleasing Tendencies

  • “I can’t say no to anyone.”
  • “I always put myself last.”
  • "I forget to pay attention to my self-care."

Avoidance of Responsibility

  • “I put off everything because I’m scared to mess up.”
  • “I can’t even start small projects without panicking.”
  • “They made me feel like nothing I did was ever good enough.”

Overcompensation in Relationships

  • “I’m always the one doing everything in relationships.”
  • “I’m scared they’ll leave if I don’t do enough.”

Financial Struggles

  • “I was never taught how to budget or save.”
  • “I’m scared I'll run out of _____ [food, clothes, entertainment, etc.] so I should buy more”

Career Insecurity

  • “I’m stuck in a job I hate because I’m scared to try something new.”
  • “They told me I’d never succeed, and now I believe it.”
  • “I feel paralyzed when it comes to making career choices.”

Struggles with Independence

  • “I feel lost doing basic things like taxes.”
  • “I had no idea how to live on my own when I left.”

Avoidance of Milestones

  • “I feel like I’ll never be a 'real' adult.”
  • “I don't think I'll ever get married or have kids.”
  • “I can't ____ [drive, talk on the phone, etc.]”

Isolation and Loneliness

  • “I don’t know how to make friends as an adult.”
  • “I’ve always felt like an outsider.”
  • “I push people away because I don’t trust them.”

How Therapy Helps

Therapy’s like cleaning out a messy junk drawer—ditching what you don’t need and organizing what’s left so it actually works. I'm very practical and I use a mix of tried-and-true techniques (like CBT) to help untangle your thoughts, process the chaos your mom left behind, and build a plan to feel less anxious and depressed. We’ll also focus on building awareness of the present because that’s where life happens, not in the past.

Boundaries are everything. We'll go over what they are, how to keep them (most get it wrong, even other therapists). Therapy is hard work, sometimes messy, but worth it. The goal? You leave feeling more in control and less like life is just happening to you.

About Me

I’m Chris Sims, a licensed therapist in both California and Pennsylvania. I specialize in helping young adults untangle the impacts of a toxic mother. My approach is open, freedom-oriented, and practical. I'll teach you the knowledge you need so you can build tools and lead a fulifilling life.

If you’re ready to feel confident, set boundaries, and move forward, let’s work together to rewrite your story.

Chris Sims, licensed therapist for those who grew up with a toxic mother

This is not for people who:

- Want make amends with a toxic mother or continue to be in a dysfunctional family (good luck!).

- Solely interested in understanding her 'craziness' but not on how to self-improve and grow.

- Want a shoulder to cry on (there will likely be tears but it's not a focus; I like to teach and brainstorm for practical solutions).

This is for those who:

- Are around 20-30 years old (ish) and independent.

- Mature, intelligent, and motivated to do the hard work required to be successful.

- Done with toxic or dysfunctional family; focused on self-improvement and growth.

Let’s Work Together

Ready to move forward? Schedule your first session today and take the next step toward healing and independence.

Schedule Now